zondag 28 februari 2016

Ezelskar in Paramaribo

Photo R.Moeridjan
Deze foto uit de oude doos  werd gemaakt om het gebouw van de handelmaatschappij H.J. De Vries te vereeuwigen . Voor mij is de foto belangrijk omdat het een tijdsbeeld geeft van een man met ezelskar en ik vroeg mij af of dit mijn grootvader had kunnen zijn. Van mijn grootvader Hendrik Jan Tjoe Nij weet ik dat hij samen met zijn moeder vracht per ezelskar vervoerde naar en  van de haven van Paramaribo. Het pleit voor zijn moeder Magdalena Trijn dat zij haar zoon niet alleen naar school stuurde maar ook een vak leerde door hem op de timmer school van de katholieke paters in Paramaribo te zetten. Samen met haar zoon transporteerde zij vracht voor klanten in Paramaribo.  Op de foto loopt de man naast zijn ezelskar . De kar had dus gemaakt kunnen zijn in de houtwerkplaats van de paters en de vraag blijft  waar gaat deze ezelskar naar toe?
Mijn grootvader droeg vaak zo'n hoed en de man met de hoed en de man op de stoep hebben gekeken naar de fotograaf R.Moeridjan.
Was de vracht wellicht afgeleverd  bij de Vries en was de ezel moe van de zware rit en liep de man daarom naast zijn ezel? De foto is prachtig en levert een kijk in de tijd waarin ezelskarren vaak te zien waren in het stadsverkeer. Vanaf nu is dit in mijn gedachten een foto van mijn opa na het afleveren van een vracht lang voor ik over hem zou fantaseren . Het gebouw van H.J. De Vries staat er nog steeds maar any fotograaf moet  anno 2016 lang wachten op het moment waarop  een ezelskar voorbij komt.
Martha Tjoe Nij 2016 Plantage Misgunst,Saramacca.

zaterdag 9 januari 2016

Zionism is Nazism in Israel.

Without any remorse the Zionist hordes in Israel are killing and imprisoning Palestinians, demolishing their homes and confiscating their land. Meanwhile the western media are shamelessly selling pro Israeli and anti Palestinian, anti Muslim stories to keep people ignorant of what is really going on behind walls of Apartheid in Israel. Western cries for justice, democracy and peace and Western pride in technological and social advances have become a farce in face of their support for the gross inhumanity of Israeli warcrimes and occupation. Governments in the UK, USA and EU are openly supporting blatant and undeniable Israeli crimes against humanity. While using the concept of democracy as a yardstick to measure and beat other countries, Zionism has effectively infiltrated all systems of western power and is not democratic in any way. On the contrary the Zionist concoction Israel, is a perfect example of institutional Apartheid and Racist injustice such as the siege on Gaza and the denial of the right to return to Palestine for Palestinian refugees. Silencing of opposition in a mock democracy is daily practice in Israel too. Israel is unable to hide its systematic daily assassinations and maiming of Palestinians depriving them of basic human rights. The illusions of freedom and democracy in Israel would instantly evaporate without financial and military aid from Zionists in the USA, EU, UK and Eastern Europe. Zionist aggression could be rooted out easily if only Nazism had not been allowed to blossom in EU,UK,USA & Eastern Europe. The real enemy of world peace is ZIONISM is ISRAELI NAZISM.       
Nazi Israel en Nazi Germany have the dream of a racist white state in common.

donderdag 7 januari 2016


 Born in Suriname in the fifties of the past century and raised in
Europe when love and flower power were battling USA invasion of
Vietnam and racial segregation in the USA, I am now trying to get in
touch with computerization and social media communication.
Flower power is definitely out and today’s youths surprise me with
their ability to escape from the harsh reality surrounding them, with
games, drugs and virtual existence on social media. Sports no longer
seem to be something many youths are willing to sacrifice everything
for. Defending the national borders also seems to become something of
the past when you can cross borders via social media just like that.
It is of course not true that there are no more young people willing
to excel at sports or in any field of social interaction. We only have
to look at the many young entrepreneurs, sportsmen and sportswomen and
growing number of graduates from universities and educational
institutes who excell at what they do and want to do better.
Looking at the global advance of racism and racist armed aggression it
seems young people are less surprised at what is going on and seem to
look at my alarm with disdain. How come the flower power generation
never noticed that very little was achieved and that Nazism ,Fascism
and Zionism walk hand in hand covering all continents to reap natural
resources for the promised elite God given few.
I have to admit that I truly did not notice it until recently when the
war on Gaza and the escalation of violence in Iraq,Syria,Yemen and
Palestine woke me up to a nightmarish reality.
Just like the time when Nazism devastated large chunks of Europe and
Africa to further the Arian cause, today Zionism in a worse way is
globally sowing death and destruction in the name of God and a chosen
The computerized social media generation is quick to verify if CNN is
lying again, by using their app or mobile devices. The social media
cross border information flow no longer clings to narrow nationalistic
boundaries but rather develops a holistic global awareness and sense
of community.
However as long as the media are controlled by the very Zionist
instigators of strife and destruction the chances are that even the
young generation will be disappointed and resorts to armed and violent
defense of their modern freedom and modern machines which give them
access to information. The computerized generation will discover more
about the use of natural resources to maintain their habits and also
will have to rediscover the differences between real possibilities and
virtual dream worlds.
The flowerpower generation used alcohol, marihuana and opium to sedate
themselves, this generation which has the 24hr production society on
their backs , is using xtc pills, heroin, cocaine and alcohol to cope
with their reality. Under our open eyes the world as we knew it is
rearranged to suit Zionist tastes and we who are not considered to be
part of the select chosen few, will have to deal with the secondary
realism of a post hegemonic world ruled by Zionists.
By the time youths from the regions where natural resources such as
gas, oil, copper, water, Uranium,gold and diamonds are being extracted
by global corporations, start confronting the youths living in their
social media virtual habitat, they have to be prepared for some harsh
real truths about their age and their world.
The globe is for all but the resources are being harvested to serve a
select few and this cannot be accepted by any generation. I might be
considered an old hippie who does not understand what is going on but
at the same time the daily killing of young Palestinians,
Syrians,Egyptians,Libyans,Afghans, Nigerians, Yemeni,Somalians and
African Americans are a sign on the wall which cannot be denied and
which have to be stopped by this generation.
Martha Tjoe Nij
Misgunst Saramacca 07-01-2016

Odi, Martha Ilse T

zaterdag 19 december 2015


Natural resources have become the main reason for war and in the case of Palestine a reason for genocide at the hands of heavily armed Israeli state terrorists.
In the Middle East it is oil, gas and water while in African nations gold, copper and diamonds have been the reasons governments are toppled, people are colonized and murdered.
The exploitation of natural resource oil has been one of the causes for global warming which causes  climate change which combined with war operations cause refugee flows .
The Wars waged in Iraq and Syria over oil and gas have created unprecedented refugee flows which destabilized European and middle eastern nations to the point that social unrest has become the norm .
The use of advanced nuclear  and biological weapons adds to further destabilize nature and nation states. 
The U.S. Sponsored arms in the hands of state terrorist Israel are used to murder innocent children, terrorize youths and their parents and  to blackmail and threaten world leaders.
Why does it happen , it must be greed, and inability to see the world as interconnected in terms of resources and natural development . Sharing of wealth has become a forgotten topic for debate and stock market bargaining.
The world we live in does not change to accommodate people, but is destroyed by  human actions which are deliberately destroying humans and nature.
The urgent calls to unite for peace and protection of nature are falling on deaf ears in reality.  Even if politicians pretend they can hear those calls their actions are in line with hegemonic ,Zionist supremacy and racist demands which are intrinsically destructive. Resistance to these destructive forces must be fiercer than ever.

dinsdag 29 september 2015


Het leven lijkt zeer goed in Suriname als je kijkt naar de stralende lach op de gezichten van heel veel dames die met bewondering worden nagestaard op kantoor, in de straten en wellicht ook thuis op het erf. De stralende zon legt tijdens de vakantie ook gewicht in de schaal als de korte rokken, lange see-through jurken, sexy shorts en super strakke leggings de fantasie prikkelen en menig goed gevuld lijf ten volle belichten. Het zijn met name de zwaargewichten die opvallen in het straatbeeld van de hoofdstad Paramaribo in Suriname. Het dedderend vlees, de ronde trillende vetkwabben, de uitpuilende borstpartijen en vooral de waggelende gang  springen in het oog in de straten van Paramaribo.
De constatering dat er sprake is van overgewicht bij veel  mannen, vrouwen en kinderen is geen nieuws maar een  kwartiertje op een terras in de binnenstad zitten en kijken, levert schokkende beelden op.
Schokkend als je beseft dat de meeste jonge vrouwen die uit hun voegen barsten vanwege overgewicht binnen niet al te lange tijd andere klachten krijgen en dan zo vet zijn geworden dat een wandeling in de stad teveel moeite zal kosten. 
Hart klachten, suiker ziekte, hoge bloeddruk, en alle soorten van andere ongemakken gaan hand in hand met overgewicht. Te dikke kinderen kweken vetcellen die meegroeien en tot morbide obesitas kunnen leiden op latere leeftijd. De jonge meisjes die in eerste instantie heel trots zijn op hun dikke heupen en ronde billen en borsten worden niet lang na de eerste blijdschap heel ongelukkig als blijkt dat zij niet meer in hun mooie kleren passen en uitgelachen worden vanwege de dikke dijen, blubber billen, vetrollen en waggel gang. Natuurliijk zijn er mensen die zeggen ‘ik hou van dikke vrouwen’, maar er is  geen enkele reden om ongezond dik te zijn  en jezelf en je omgeving op te zadelen met chronische klachten als gevolg van overgewicht. Versleten knie, pijn in de rug, vet om het hart en maag en darm stoornis zijn gegarandeerd ongevraagde bonus in het overgewicht pakket. De moeders die geloven dat hun dikke baby gezond is en die hun dikke tieners vetmesten, weten vaak niet dat er ook andere voedingspatronen zijn om te laten merken dat je van je kind houdt en goed voor je kind zorgt. De topzware dedderende mamas en papas die met moeite uit de stoel komen en geen kleding kunnen vinden omdat ze eigenlijk alleen op maat gesneden grote lappen om zich heen kunnen hangen, weten dat obesitas een pijnlijke hel is. De Surinaamse bigi bille , bigi bobbi cultuur is sexy en mooi tot het omslaat in 'el porco' scheldwoorden en  eenzame vreetpartijen die meer vet aan de haak slaan.
De Surinaamse zware dames doen er goed aan te kiezen voor gezondheid en vrijheid van bewegen en dat betekent in veel gevallen niets meer dan zoet laten staan en stoppen met  eten om te vergeten .
‘Elk pondje gaat door het mondje’ klinkt misschien onaardig voor de top zware voedsel verslaafde maar in de meeste gevallen kan de overtollige vetlaag gemakkelijk verdwijnen door te bewegen en minder te eten. Het begint uiteraard in het hoofd en het hart , kennis van jezelf en de geestelijke component van overgewicht vormen de basis voor gezond  leven. Weten dat je moet stoppen met soft en zoetigheid en drie a vier porties per dag, betekent nog niet dat je het ook doet. Zien dat je geen kleren meer kan dragen die je mooi vindt omdat je te dik bent geworden leidt vaak niet tot stoppen met te veel en ongezond eten. Het veel gehoorde excuus 'ik heb zware botten' wordt een dekmantel voor 'ik eet uit verdriet of uit eenzaamheid of om mezelf te troosten'. Eten om gezond te zijn en geen overgewicht te hebben is een zaak van de volksgezondheid en een kunst voor de veelvraat. Surinaamse zware dames laat je niet voor de gek houden dat je nog een pondje erbij kan hebben. De  echte surinaamse  zwaargewichten laten alles staan wat hun vooruitgang belemmert en hun gezondheid in gevaar brengt. En inderdaad het is waar, overgewicht is een welvaartsprobleem en brengt onze toekomstige generaties in gevaar. Beware of obesitas and stop stuffing yourself, zeg ik tegen mezelf als ik zie dat de mooie rok of broek niet meer past. 

zondag 30 augustus 2015

Plantation Misgunst 
Eco Camp

On the left bank of the Saramacca river the Hendrik Jan Tjoe Nij weg cuts into the forrest where the Misgunst Eco camp offers an uniqe opportunity to feel the atmosphere of modern plantation life.
The guest of Misgunst Eco Camp will discover how luxury is redefined in an original Indigenous camp made of woodbeams taken from the local forrest. The open camp fire, the hammock leisure, the quiet and peaceful surroundings will contribute to an unique modern plantation experience.
The bird watcher, angler and lover of peace and calm, have the opportunity to find all they need. 
Plantation Misgunst Eco Camp uses rainwater .
The visitors can hire a guide to make a walk through  the tropical rain forrest at plantation Misgunst Saramacca where monkeys, sloths, anteaters, wild pigs, snakes,  and a variety  of birds are in their natural habitat. The Misgunst jungle path offers a rare encounter with a variety of trees, medicinal plants,  herbs and insects  in the real jungle.
Only ten minutes away by bike from Misgunst Eco Camp, we find the capital Groningen of the Saramacca District with its colonial architecture. Groningen is one of the old fortresses of the Dutch colonial defense Cordon. Groningen is opposite Voorburg on the other side of the Saramacca river  where  Dutch farmers initiated cattle farming in the 19th century . 

Plantation Misgunst Eco Camp can be reached by bus which stops at the H.J.Tjoe Nij weg on its way to Maho road . In Paramaribo the Maho busline to Groningen departs twice every day   from the Heiligenweg busstation at 08.30 hrs. AM and 16.00 hrs. PM . 

The Misgunst Eco Camp offers opportunities for small groups to have workshops in quiet and peaceful surroundings untroubled by city distractions. The Misgunst Eco Camp can also be transformed into a small theatre for performances and exhibitions of local and other artists.

Your visit will energize  you and will make you want to come back.

Call :+597-8880484

maandag 17 augustus 2015


In a truth finding mission scientist and decolonize the mind advocate Dew Baboeram will confront  president Desire Bouterse of Suriname in an interview coming November, about the killing of more than 400 people  during armed events which took place in Suriname in the 80s and 90s of the previous century.
 Dew Baboeram

The murder of his brother John Baboeram, on December 8th1992 makes Dew Baboeram immediate beneficiary of the outcome of his truth finding initiative which seeks reconciliation and dialogue for the
traumas which developed after December 8th 1992 and after hundreds of Surinamese were killed during clashes between a guerilla army led by current parliament member Ronny Brunswijk.

Ronny Brunswijk

and Suriname's National Army led by Desi Bouterse. The stale mate between family members who want justice and have taken up court cases to get Bouterse convicted and the government and people of Suriname who have reelected Bouterse twice and have adopted amnesty legislation, needs to be transformed into a process which allows for truth, healing and understanding.  

plaque with 15 names of   december 8, 1992,victims on Moses and Aaron church in Amsterdam

Baboeram offers  the people of Suriname the option of dialogue  to  deal with  the stale mate  which followed  confrontation in lengthy and costly legal proceedings, which after more than 30 years have not led to satisfactory results for the families involved. Although legal proceedings are valid and a constitutional right,  the  social, legal and political reality in Suriname demands actions which  can transform the legal stale mate  into a process of national and international dialogue to get truth about what truly happened  on the table . The relatives of civilian and military victims of atrocities which took place in Moiwana ,  in clashes with indigenous Tucayana, and in other places in the interior of Suriname, deserve as much proper treatment and closure as those of the 15 people who died on December 8, 1992.

The decolonize the mind theorist  Baboeram argues that if South Africans could manage truth finding and move on after centuries of atrocities committed by Apartheid advocates, Suriname must be able to learn from that and find its own way to deal with its own traumas by confronting dialogue.
Hira's initiative, an open letter to the president inviting him to participate in the fact finding mission in a two day interview, has rekindled the flames on the hot debate about Suriname's  human rights issues, legal issues and  has reopened the wounds which for many years were left unattended since discussing them was not done for many years.

President Desire Delano Bouterse of the Republic Suriname

In accepting Baboeram's  invitation the president has not only acknowledged the trauma but also indicated that he wants to be part of the truth finding efforts. 
Baboeram and his team have taken on a mammoth task and are already in the zenith of fierce criticism especially from the advocates of legal proceedings who see the truth finding activities as a useless effort endangering their attempts to get Bouterse behind bars. Sandew Hira  invited everyone  to be part of  the proces of dialogue and calls on the people of Suriname to think hard about what would happen to Suriname and its people if indeed Bouterse were to be arrested and put behind bars. By confronting dialogue now the next generation of Surinamese can put the traumatic events in a proper place and in doing so open up new avenues for development in areas where darkness reigned until now.