The advocates of climate change warn us that the world as we know it will be destroyed if we do not change the way we deal with our planet's resources and stop the systematic pollution of water, soil and air.
The Palestinian liberation movement warns the world that there comes a moment when the Israeli Apartheid, aggression and ongoing occupation will no longer be possible and the rightful Palestinian owners of the land will reclaim their farms, homes, cities and natural resources .
While American museums are getting ready for the unique exhibition of the remains of a colonial slave ship that sunk, with hundreds of enslaved people on board, before the South African coast at the time of slavery, thousands of African refugees drowned in the past few weeks in the Mediterranean sea. The refugees seek to reach wealthy European nations , the former colonizers , in search of a better life but end up in refugee camps where they are treated like garbage.
The USA is promoting itself as the land of the brave and the home of the free but cannot prevent white racist terrorists from killing African Americans in churches, schools, basketball fields, shops and streets in the USA.
The Saudi royals who are known for their unprecedented wealth and cruel execution 'beheading' style of opponents, are claiming they support Palestinians in their struggle for freedom. Meanwhile their ally Israel is killing Palestinians daily and the Saudi have started bombing Yemeni to maintain Saudi regional control over Yemen.
Truth is a matter of who wants to see what, for which reason. At the same time there are few who deny that in certain cases the attempts of racists, warmongers and plain and downright exploitative rulers to adjust truth to their taste, cannot be accepted and must be exposed as filthy lies and crimes against humanity.
In Suriname the post election developments are so unprecedented and moving so fast that many voters have no idea what is happening with their votes and how their votes will be used to improve living conditions. It seems the election calls for improvement of living conditions are simply forgotten. Vegetables which used to cost one surinamese dollar before elections today are sold for nine surinamese dollars . Since the government is still under construction, nobody expects anyone to discipline the shop owners and regulate steep price increases.
Fortunately the separate reality of those who sell weapons, extort the poor and throw bombs at will is increasingly deflated by the real deflation of the culture of lies and distortion which main stream media disseminate.
Social media can expose the lies of politicians, religious leaders, business tycoons, shop-owners and crime syndicates much quicker than most mainstream media houses and governments are willing to admit.
A culture of distrust, spying and out of control law enforcement on the poor has left the rich with a free for all domain which is mostly racist, white and systematically polluting the world's waterways , forests, soil and air.
On top of the escalation of imbalanced distribution of wealth there is the religious cloak which justifies the most heinous abuse of human rights with religious doctrine and systematic corruption . Ordinary men, women and children dare not go against the dictates of religious leaders for fear of heavenly damnation at the hands of henchmen who kill and maim without remorse with religious books as their excuse.
The world is changing , the people are changing, the wealth is more than ever in the hands of a few people who cater for a mostly white minority. The rich claim they work hard and are looking after the rest of the world, but in the end they are looking after the sons and daughters of their own wealthy families. The poor know they do not care one iota about the children who have no food, water, clothing, housing or schools to go to.
It may seem normal to see daily reports of children dying of hunger, thirsts, malnutrition, bombs, occupation policies and health problems. We are made to think it is what it should be until the next revolt changes the status quo and a new cycle starts in which truth and lies are on the table of those who will try to see what they want to see for their own specific reasons.
The way of the world is not intrinsically evil but the way things are going in certain parts of the world and the manner in which certain evildoing is justified does not seem to fit with the theories of progress, social development and god given better ways for most people.